Major types of generative AI back-end technologies and how they are used

There are various types of generative AI, each with different back-end technologies that have different characteristics and applications. This section briefly describes the back-end technologies of generative AI.

Posted at: 2023.5.16

Summary of main generative AI backend technology types and applications

Types of Generative AICharacteristicsExamples of optimal applications
GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)Generates data by pitting two models, a generator and a discriminator, against each other. It is used to generate highly realistic images and sounds.Automatic image generation, speech synthesis, and design generation
VAE (Variational Autoencoder)Learns latent features of data and generates new data. Used to generate images, audio, text, etc.Image generation, speech synthesis, anomaly detection
RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)Generates the next step while remembering past information. Used for natural language processing and prediction of time series data.Language modeling, sentence generation, music composition
TransformerGenerates sequence data using a self-attention mechanism. Used for natural language processing and image generation.Automatic translation, sentence generation, image generation
StyleGAN (Style-based Generative Adversarial Network)A type of GAN, specialized for high-resolution photorealistic image generation.Photorealistic image generation, artwork creation
DALL-E (Differentiable Neural Network to Generate Innovative Images)An AI model that generates images based on textual descriptions. Capable of detailed control of images and generation of unrealistic images.Image generation from text, creative illustration production
DeepDreamVisualize the internal representation of neural networks and add fantastic visual effects to existing images.Generation of art works, transformation and enhancement of images
MusicVAELearns latent features of music and generates new musical compositions.Automatic composition, remixing of music
Sketch-RNNLearns latent features of sketches, generates new sketchesAutomatic sketch generation, design completion
Pix2PixLearns mappings between input images and corresponding output images, used for image style transformation and image restorationImage transformation, image restoration, style transformation

Back-end technology for sentence generation AI

Transformer is probably the most mainstream AI for sentence generation, and is used by "GPT" such as Chat GPT, Google Bard's "PaLM 2" and "BERT".

Types of Generative AICharacteristicsExamples of optimal applications
TransformerGenerates sequence data using a self-attention mechanism. Used for natural language processing and image generation.Automatic translation, sentence generation, image generation
RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)Generates the next step while remembering past information. Used for natural language processing and prediction of time series data.Language modeling, sentence generation, music composition
GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)Generates data by pitting two models, a generator and a discriminator, against each other. It is used to generate highly realistic images and sounds.Automatic image generation, speech synthesis, and design generation

Back-end technologies for image-generating AI

DALL-E (Differentiable Neural Network to Generate Innovative Images), GAN (Generative Adversarial Network), VAE (Variational Autoencoder) are the mainstream technologies.

Types of Generative AICharacteristicsExamples of optimal applications
GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)Generates data by pitting two models, a generator and a discriminator, against each other. It is used to generate highly realistic images and sounds.Automatic image generation, speech synthesis, and design generation
VAE (Variational Autoencoder)Learns latent features of data and generates new data. Used to generate images, audio, text, etc.Image generation, speech synthesis, anomaly detection
StyleGAN (Style-based Generative Adversarial Network)A type of GAN, specialized for high-resolution photorealistic image generation.Photorealistic image generation, artwork creation
DALL-E (Differentiable Neural Network to Generate Innovative Images)An AI model that generates images based on textual descriptions. Capable of detailed control of images and generation of unrealistic images.Image generation from text, creative illustration production
DeepDreamVisualize the internal representation of neural networks and add fantastic visual effects to existing images.Generation of art works, transformation and enhancement of images
Sketch-RNNLearns latent features of sketches, generates new sketchesAutomatic sketch generation, design completion

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